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just how poor i am

i've not a single dollar to my name, one and a half packs of smokes and 1/8 a tank of gas. i'm moving tomorrow to my mom's (ya, i'm a fucking loser) and i'm currently sleeping (well, not this exact second, but earlier today and later tonight) at the Big Blue Monster (my brother's house). accomidations here are acceptable for the ammount i'm paying (nothing) and i'm got enough food to survive. i just need to buy a pack or 2 of smokes, get some gas money and HOPEFULLY get paid tuesday. if i don't get any money tuesday, i'm completely ass-poor and fucked because i have a $160 dollar cell phone bill due monday and they'll turn my phone off if i don't pay. without a phone, i can't get a job, and without money, i can't drive anywhere to find one anyway. i'm in a serious shit spot right now and i REALLY need things to come through on tuesday. that's all for now. bye bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2003-10-03 at 10:04 p.m.
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