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Condensed Update Soup

well, i now see what all the non-cedar falls people mean when they say that no one updates. it's not as noticable when you're there, because you see people to stay up to date. oh well, i'll just have to call people to find out what's going on.

i'm just chillin' waitin' for some stuff to do. since people quit (another one after i moved here) i'm now doing work in Lincoln before going to Omaha for work. only, there haven't been any calls for me to pick anything up here yet. i'll most likely be in Lincoln until 11:30 and then i'll go deliver shit in Omaha.

my job's pretty nice. it's fairly easy and since i'm in my car for most of it, i'm fairly entertained.

saturday and sunday, we (my brother, cindy and i) started demolition work on the basement. we took down all the shit off the walls before ripping them apart, down to the studs. i ripped down 2 ceilings and 1 of those was all lathe and dry-wall. my arms are cut to hell and my hands are even worse, but it was still fairly fun. we ripped carpet up all over the place. there's really very little left to do other than move all the shit out to the dumpster when it arrives Tuesday.

i'm doing well here. cigarettes aren't much more expensive here than in Cedar Falls. pop is the exact same price. gas is about 5 cents more.

for anyone who can believe it, i've been getting up at 7:30 AM at the latest. even if you don't believe it, it's true. Cindy is an awesome cook and she likes cooking for us, so that rules. if anyone doesn't already know, Cindy is my aunt and she's the one employing both my brother and i in her messenger service. we deliver shit.

i'll be back in Cedar Falls on the 19th of this month. i'll stay for the weekend and we'll all have good times.

i think i've run out of things to say for this entry. it's got a lot (albeit condensed) in it already.

i love my lisa, and you should find one like it for yourself.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-03-08 at 8:17 a.m.
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