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Here I Go Again On My Own

well, a crazy week of work is over. i like my job. it gets really hectic at times, but i'm still pretty chill (in general) about things. i've been working 12 hours a day because i can only haul light shit. therefore, the people that can haul heavy shit are getting the late-start, early-leave routes because that's when the big freight needs hauled. oh well. i'm going to be getting mad bank next friday. well, maybe not "mad bank" but to me, $900 in 2 weeks is mad bank. jon and i are goign to start having adventures to the various eating establishments around here. thus far i've eaten at Runza (which ive had plenty times before) and De(something or other) this AWESOME mexican drive-up place. i'm talking fucking AWESOME. we're planning on targeting the Red Robin, King Kong Burger and the sushi place. there're quite a few others but we either can't remember them right now, or we've not spotted them yet, but we will.

i think i've previously stated that my job is being a messenger/carrier. what that means is that i pick up shit from companies and deliver it to other companies. sometimes it's envelopes and small boxes. sometimes it's 26 boxes (60 lbs. each) of blank computer paper or (as jon once did) a 650 lbs. engine.

jon just hung up his D3T sign on his bulletin board. i think he has that up for Doeden, but only alpha kids understand it. hey doeden, just tell the world bruce bruce did it.

anyway, i've been chillin' and i'm going to go wreck some shit in the basement in a bit. i'm gonna knock a few walls out and spit on something probably. i'm crazy and you better look out. 'cuz i'm rockin' and shockin' and puttin' a sock in hip-hop.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-03-13 at 10:01 a.m.
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