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Barnacles on life

i get paid in 1 week.

i get to see my gurlfriend in 4 days.

i went to Red Oak, Iowa today. Red Oak is about 45 miles south east of Council Bluffs and it was quite an adventure driving. i saw about 300 cows (no exageration) on 1 farm that was fenced off into different sections. i drove through a town so small that the "Welcome to..." and the "Thanks for visiting..." signs were less than a minute apart. i feel that it's rather kind of them to welcome me and to thank me for coming even though my stay was less time than it took for me to realize how polite they were.

i agree with smalz that life could be more pleasent at times. having someone around that shares history with you makes life much more...bearable is the word i'm thinking. having someone around with whom you are building a future makes life more...enjoyable is the word i'm thinking. 'cuz smalz, you know how the past is: "...and all your thoughts, yeah, they rot." but the future buddy, that's wherein lies the...awesomeness is the word i'm thinking. dude, your adventures here will be soon and they are already much anticipated. Mud Hen Unit will venture forth again. i leave you with this. it's what i'm thinking:

"I don't really need to see
so I don't need to see so I'll paint
I don't know, I'll paint it black
I don't need to see
I don't see how you see out of your window
I don't need to see, I'll paint mine black
I don't know me and you don't know you
so we fit so good together
'cuz I knew you like I knew myself"

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-03-29 at 6:18 p.m.
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