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I got stabbed in the eye.

dude, about 1 hour ago, i got stabbed (read as: a knife penetrated) my eye brow and my eyelid above my right eye. dude, it feels weird to get stabbed. for anyone who doesn't believe me, ask my brother or my girlfriend.

to make this all seem a bit less cool (read as: eric being way hard core) no one was wielding the knife. it fell from an unstable shelf and dropped 4 feet, point first into my face. i squirted blood all over and it was crazy. now i've aparently had a crimson mask. people big into wrestling will understand this term. i didn't know it, but jon told me it. anyway, i'm having trouble concentrating and more trouble thinking right now. it's adrenaline mixed with tiredness and...well...a fucking knife wound. i'm laughing a lot and having to retype about every 3rd word. if anything doesn't make sense, pardon me. you get stabbed in the fucking eye and tell me if a diary entry is the easiest thing to make for you. alright, i'll type more later when the pain kicks in and i can think again.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-04-03 at 11:06 p.m.
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