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this is honestly just an update, no gay sex here

work has been hectic recently. 1 guy has time off and another guy got in an accident last friday. we hired a new guy, but he's totally incompetent and can only cover about 1/2 of the stuff from 1 of the missing guys. therefore, it's falling prodominantly upon jon and myself to cover the other things.

i'll be returning to the falls named after the cedar tree this weekend. i'm greatly looking forward to spending time with people whom i've not seen in approximately one month.

recently i've been reading more than any other point since i've moved to nebraska. it's a wonderfully relaxing activity. unfortunately, of the 7 tales (of magic and terror) there has been only 2 involving magic and only one that attempts to evoke terror.

that's enough update for now. i'll try again later. please leave a message after the tone.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-07-14 at 9:35 p.m.
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