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The Chupacabra is way better than you.

In order to fully grasp the awesomeness of the Chupacabra, one must compare it to another creature which drink blood for survival. Leeches are pretty poor competition as they don't do much. Vampires seem a good comparison. Therefore:
Reasons The Chupacabra is awesome:
1) The Chupacabra is unique. There're supposedly a bunch of vampires, but there's only one Chupacabra.
2) The Chupacabra feels no remorse. Unlike Lestat in "Interview with a Vampire," for example, the Chupacabra kills indiscriminantely.
3) The Chupacabra has nothing to do with the "Blade" trilogy. That's an accomplishment not to be taken lightly.
4) The Chupacabra hangs out in the sun all the time. In fact, the Chupacabra has a wicked tan which helps attract the ladies.
5) The Chupacabra doesn't have a bunch of rejects coming together on the internet claiming to be it.

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i was writed on 2005-08-29 at 2:37 p.m.
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