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Livin' in this house with no furnace, unfurnished

Yesterday, I helped my family move their belongs from the house I grew up in, to the house they will now live in. I stayed in the old house though. I'll be living here by myself until the power gets shut off in the middle of December. The furnace doesn't work, there's no stove, and there's no microwave. Other than my room, the place is fairly vacant and seems hollow. This wouldn't normally bother me, but I grew up in this house. Furthermore, I've never lived by myself before. I've stayed alone for a weekend. I moved into one of my house 3 days before any friends did, so I had it to myself for the time, but I've never lived alone. It's interesting. It's less intimidating than I expected, but also less entertaining. I'm still fairly sore from moving stuff yesterday, so I'm just sitting at home tonight. I probably wouldn't gone to do something, but only Jonah was available and he was simply going home. I think I'm going to watch the Trailer Park Boys movie, because I downloaded it about 2 weeks ago and I still haven't watched it. Hopefully it's everything I dreamed it would be. I know the last episode (of this season) of Pure Pwnage was.

this is me.
i was writed on 2006-11-20 at 1:19 a.m.
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