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Good Year

Happy New Year to everyone. I spent mine at work, where I got off at 12PM. Thankfully there were 2 cool coworkers there with me, so I wasn't completely alone. After that, I made a quick stop at Holiday in to visit Jonah. Then, I headed to my park where I used to spend midnight at New Years every year. At least, until I met Lisa I did. Now I'm back to the park. That park will never leave me. I sound overly melodramatic. I'm not. It just sucks sitting at home at 12:30 on New Years. Alone. Because the people I was supposed to hang out with after work aren't answering their phones or calling me back. Bah. Whatever. At least the rest of the year won't be so lame.

"It's been a
good year for
bad days
or a bad year for
good days."

this is me.
i was writed on 2007-01-01 at 12:47 a.m.
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