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Is this what this is?

Tonight was amazing. Hell, today was amazing. Julia's far, far more than I thought she was. Initially, I simply found her intriguing and sexually attractive. But she's so much more. She's intelligent and fun. She's super sweet and does the nicest of things. Today she texted me just to say that she was looking forward to seeing me. I'd been looking forward to seeing her, but was afraid to say anything of the sorts as I don't want to come on to strong.
I really like her though. She makes me smile and I don't feel like I'm just passing time when I'm with her. I feel like I'm opening up. Like an onion peeling away. There are many layers and you may cry as some come away, but the sweetest lies on the inside. And you have to work for it.
She makes me comfortable and calm. But my heart doesn't stop racing from her touch, her voice, her scent.
Her taste still lingers on my lips and I'll sleep easier tonight for it. Tuesday seems so far away. I shouldn't be this eager. But I am. We probably shouldn't have been in my bedroom, but we were.
Some things shouldn't be controlled.
Some things can't be foretold.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-09-08 at 4:14 a.m.
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