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"I thought you knew, I thought"

I've downloaded over 200 songs today. It's been awesome listening to lots of industrial music. I've found some bands I really like and downloaded tons of stuff by them.
It's Lisa's birthday. If I'd spoken to her in the last year, I'd call and wish her a happy birthday. I think we're done being friends. I never go to Iowa City, or I'd visit her and the kittens. I miss those kittens far more than I miss Lisa, which is pretty much not at all, hence I haven't called her.
Lacey left several snide comments on my MySpace page. I deleted them because it was completely inappropriate. She was bitching that Julia makes me unhappy. To paraphrase her "It's great that you're writing good lyrics and poetry, but you didn't when you were dating me because I made you happy. Julia just makes you miserable and you're stupid for letting it happen." She's wrong though. Julia does make me happy. Yeah, shit's pretty fucked up right now, but when I'm around her I'm happy.
I haven't spoken to Julia since Monday night. It kinda sucks to be ignorant of what's going on, since it does affect me. I'll survive though. I'd just be nice to know what's going to happen. But that's the whole point of taking a week apart. It sounds like we're some sort of fucking married couple or something. "Oh, we're just taking some time apart." Bah.
I'm pretty sure that, given a week away from me, she'll decide she's better off without me. Not particularly what I'd like to happen, but it's all so beyond my control. What I mean by that is that I still like her. I don't know if she even still reads this. If she does, it's probably a sign that it's not over yet. I hope it's not over yet. (subtract yet)
Being an artist, and more importantly a lyricist, I will exaggerate things because it's about release and communication. No one wants to hear a song about "you slightly upset my feelings, but I got over it" or "I'm starting to like you as more than a friend" or "I dislike the way you make me feel." I write about sorrow, love and hate.

"Don't tell me nothing
Won't tell you nothing
I know there's something out there
Someone who I can take care"

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-09-25 at 1:29 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here