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2s and 9s

I'm sitting at Jon's in Des Moines. Everyone else has been asleep for about two hours. Tony's snoring quite loudly. This keyboard sucks and the computer is extremely slow.
I'm outside my comfort zone. I'm even having trouble writing. While I'm glad that I'm not going to be one of those people that always has to be home, I'm slightly regretting coming here. All I'm expecting is more of the same things I do, in a different location. Not even a different group of people. Tony's here. Jon's here. Lacey and Jonah are coming tomorrow to play Rock Band. So more of the same video game with the people I already play the video game with. I like the game, but when going out of town I wish it was for something more exciting.
I would rather be going to an abandoned building or someplace that's supposedly haunted.
Okay, positive thinking...I'm looking forward to:
Breakfast tomorrow and Sunday. Jon's a good cook and breakfast is his specialty.
We may play Killer Bunnies tomorrow. Maybe Jon can be convinced to go to the local game shop and we could get something new.
I'm sure I'll have some time to read. I'll probably finish my book, which is awesome. If I knew where a local Denny's or Perkins was, I'd take Jon's truck and go there right now to read. I can't read here because the light would wake Tony and Trisha Marie.
I hate that my life feels so mundane. I'm starting to have things in it that get me excited, that reignite my passion. Reading does. Writing does. Working on music does. Listening to new music does. Julia does...did...I dunno...or I do and does is correct. Working on the comic (even though I found out that the guy Mike found for us is a shitty artist) does. Writing regularly to you, dear diary, does.
I just need to make sure I have more of the great and good, and less time being simply passed. I may be lonely at times, but I'm actually happy at times.
1s and 10s
I've got it all
2s and 9s
I ain't got you
2s and 9s
2s and 9s
I ain't got you

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-09-27 at 2:12 a.m.
i was writed before this and i was writed after this
i make comments here and you can make comments here