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Letting her go, Part 2

So I was right. Julia never called. It actually doesn't really bother me. I had a great weekend. Played a lot of Magic, as the new set came out and a bunch of people bought cards. Hung out with several people that I don't regularly hang out with and had a great time.
I still wanna go urban exploring though, so I'm probably going to have to go by myself as I expect Julia to keep bailing on me until I quit calling her. It's her form of self preservation. I figure she still wants to hang out with me, but assumes it would be bad to. She'll keep saying she wants to and saying we should. She won't hang out though. Or maybe it just doesn't sound interesting when the time rolls around. I don't know. I don't really care. Either way, I don't get to hang out with her. Bah. I'm going to bed.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-10-06 at 4:41 a.m.
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