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Fuck Non-confrotational

What the fuck is everyone's fucking problem? Everyone runs from anything that could be even the slightest bit confrontational and I'm fucking sick of it.
I don't know what the fuck happened with Julia over the last week. She's suddenly decided we shouldn't be friends or fucking talk or anything. She won't even explain it to me. So I'm just left in the fucking dark.
Mike and Andi have been acting like a couple bitches too. Andi's fucking snapping about everything anyone says.
Both Patches and Jason Logan have been randomly ditching on plans with me and/or other people. Then they have some stupid fucking excuse that they'll later acknowledge was a stupid fucking excuse.
If people think I'm a shitty person/shitty friend/piece of shit they can at least call me on it. This dancing around shit if fucking pissing me off. People wonder why I don't get close and why I don't open up. It's because of shit like this where people want me to be open and honest and then hide away from me.
Fuck it, I'm going to go do something to vent this anger. Music. Or a walk in the cold weather under the beautiful stars.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-10-09 at 11:45 p.m.
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