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I already let her go

Julia contacted me today. She sent me a message on AIM. She also wrote a long entry on MySpace about how things turned out exactly as she knew they would. She wrote some stupid stuff about how we were using each other. She wrote that it was easy to not be upset as things ended because it was "fleeting." Of course, she gets to be right. She made sure that it was fleeting, so she could say she was right. I know. I used to do it myself. Spend your whole life self-sabotaging so that you can live on your high horse claiming you're always right.
She's so proud of herself for being protected. I used to be proud of myself that I always hid away too. It made me stronger. Made me better. Made me smarter. All it really did though was cause me to miss a lot of opportunities. Appropriately I wrote something recently that applies.
I burned all my bridges
Now I'm fucking stuck here with you.
Some day she'll realize her self imposed naivety had put her somewhere that's no longer satisfactory. I won't be around then, because I don't care anymore.
She also wrote that we knew we would end up where we are now. I did not know I would end up with Lacey, which I'm sure will happen now. I'm happy it will happen now. I'm really REALLY happy it will happen now. Two months ago, though, I didn't expect it. I didn't want it then. So I didn't know I would end up here. I gave Julia a chance. I gave myself to the situation. She didn't. That's why it's easy to not care. I don't want to be with, or be friends with, someone who refuses to care.
Additionally I'm unable to be friends with someone who doesn't appreciate my sick sense of humor. Come on. It's funny to see a pregnant woman getting kicked in the stomach in a movie. IT'S A MOVIE! If you don't think that's funny, you can't be my friend because you're a fucking idiot.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-10-12 at 11:12 p.m.
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