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Simply what happened this evening

I cooked dinner tonight for Jonah and I. This is the first meal I've cooked in a long time. I've made stuff to eat, but I haven't actually cooked a full meal that took work in months. We feasted mightily on baked chicken, pan-fried asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes. There was tons of food. We were both very pleased with the meal. Total cost: $9. Less than $5 per person for a meal far superior to what we could have gotten from a fast food joint.
Tony and Mike bailed on wrestling tonight to play boardgames, so that was awesome. Mike, Jones, Tony, Jason Logan and I had somewhat of a guys night. Granted, it was playing boardgames, so it wasn't overly manly, but it was still fun. Good Chris had homework, so he didn't make it. Oh, and Kelsey sent rice crispy treats with Jason Logan, so we ate those.
After everyone took off Jones and I played some of the Rocking Band. Good fun. This week's theme is glam rock and I look fucking awesome.
Jones and I just finished watching Feast II and it really sucked. Highlights included:
A midget with a 1.5 foot dick running around naked.
A baby being thrown 10 feet into the air and landing on cement.
Two hot, tattooed biker chicks running around topless for the last twenty minutes of the movie.
The rest of the movie sucked and made very little sense. It seems like it was simply made to gross out the audience, which failed on Jonah and I because we're far too desensitized.
Time for more Rocking Banding.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-10-14 at 2:54 a.m.
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