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Brilliant song crafting

I've been listening to lots of Tears for Fears. I wish I was as awesome at writing music as they are. Well, their early stuff. The later stuff isn't so great.
The following are awesome at crafting songs:
Nine Inch Nails (read as: Trent Reznor)
Tears for Fears
Avenged Sevenfold (after 2005)
The Cure
Marilyn Manson
Green Day
The Offspring
Powerman 5000
Foo Fighters (read as: Dave Grohl)
Radiohead (even though I pretty much hate them)
Now, to qualify this list, I should explain. All of these bands are best when listened to by the album, rather than by the song. They're able to craft a cohesive album with interesting songs. There's very little filler and reoccuring themes/messages/riffs. Brilliance. That's how I want my music to be. That's how my music will be.

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