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Drinking at Jason Logan's

Last night Jason Logan and Kelsey had a bunch of people over. I went and joined them and had some drinks. Everybody there definitely liked their alcohol. They played tippy-cup most of the night. I played for a bit, but it's not really that interesting or fun. Moreso for people who like to cheer each other on while they drink. People like their roommate Brian. Brian is quite irritating when he drinks.
So anyway, I had some drinks. Had a fairly decent time. Kelsey actually came to talk to me far more than I figured she would. Jason Logan chatted with me a bunch also. Hightlightesque stuff:
Jason Logan doesn't have attractive female friends. I don't mean that I'm overly critical (even though I am) as much as Jonah and Kelsey agreed with me. They're all fat, except two and one of those is butt ugly.
We played drunken Rock Band. The one sober girl there (the DD for those that were leaving) was apparently really good at guitar on that game. So I drunkenly schooled her. She's better on guitar than Jonah or Jason Logan, but she's not me. She's probably about as good as Lacey on guitar, and Lacey doesn't practice.
I talked to Jason Logan as he puked off the balcony. Then some random girl was walking down the alley, so we hit on her as she walked by. It was 2:15, so we have no idea if she was attractive, because it was too dark. The point is that Jason Logan would puke, yell to her, then puke while she responded. It was hilarious.
Some girl brought her two rats. One of them wasn't moving because it was too cold. Some other girl suggested putting it in the microwave for a moment to warm it. Entirely seriously, four girls then discussed doing that. Kelsey stepped in and pointed out how stupid the idea was before they did it. I'm disappointed she stepped in. That was going to be awesome.
When I was finally sobering up, I was getting Jonah to go outside for a cigarette and he was engaged with the two most attractive females there. The two women were discussing that it's impossible for a woman to rape a man. Jonah just kept pointing at me like he wanted to strike up some profound conversation. I went outside to smoke.
I found out that Jason Logan actually talked about us to his other friends a lot. Most of them knew who I was from him talking about me. And they figured I was cool. That means he actually said good things about me. That's pretty effing sweet.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-10-19 at 1:24 p.m.
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