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Music & Final Horizons

I finished transferring all the music from my Mac to my PC. What was 30 gigs on there is only 18 on here. That's to glory of being able to compress the files because you're running the newest version of iTunes. Now I'm downloading a shitload of music and ripping almost all of my CDs. I'll still be shy of the 80 gigs my iPod can hold when it's all done, but I'm estimating I'll be around 60. So that's about 6 weeks worth of music if you play it all strait through.
I've made some real progress on Final Horizons. We got final scripting done on 5 pages last Thursday and handed those off to Curt to have him start drawing them. Tonight I got 9 pages typed up. I consider them to be final draft, but Mike still needs to go over them.
I feel like I've done most of the work on this issue. I know it won't continue like this though. It just seems that Mike provided me with the concept and a few good scenes and told me to write it. Those good scenes are really good though. I like the scene of Adam as a child dressed as a cowboy. It's probably my favorite scene in the issue and it was Mike's idea. I just reworked the art for it and fixed the dialogue.
I think I'm going to rework some more of Final Horizons now while my computer compresses the songs I just downloaded.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-10-28 at 2:54 a.m.
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