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Giving a gift

I gave Lacey the gift I've had for her. It was a deck of cards with a 54 word note/letter written one word on each card. Written on the back of the same pink cards I (once upon a time) gave her. The gist of the cards was that I love her and she loves me and that it's okay if we're not together. Then it said, "I give you now what I could not give you then." Inside the box was a giant Hersey's Kiss.
Her and I had sex a little over a week ago and we didn't kiss the entire time. Or afterward. Or beforehand. And the sex got really emotional. Like making love... So it was really awkward not to kiss her. I wanted to make our [first] kiss special. Instead, there was no kiss.
I also burned her a CD of music with meaning to her/me/us.
Track list:
1) Frail and Bedazzled - Smashing Pumpkins
2) Desperately Wanting - Better Than Ezra
3) Painted on My Heart - The Cult
4) Black - Pearl Jam
5) Keep on Tryin' - Poco
6) The Dam at Otter Creek - Live
7) Last Legal Drug (La Petit Mort) - Korn
8) Almost Easy - Avenged Sevenfold
9) The Speed of Pain - Marilyn Manson
10) Love Is Not Enough - Nine Inch Nails
11) The World Has Turned and Left Me Here - Weezer
12) Everlong - Foo Fighters
13) Permission - Sixx: A.M.
14) Something in the Way - Nirvana
15) Twilight - Elliot Smith

She'll understand why pretty much every song is on there. In addition to the fact that they're good songs.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-10-24 at 6:57 p.m.
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