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Decent night, decent times

I actually had a fairly great night tonight. Things were laid back and there wasn't much tension. I know I've been pissing my friends off because I haven't been attending every planned happening. But some of it hasn't sounded as appealing, or I've had conflicting plans. Additionally, I've stated that I don't want to miss out on life because of a TV show, so I chose to hang out with people rather than watch a TV show that I can watch some other time.
I baked a bunch of chicken so I could make chicken fettucini alfredo, but I ended up simply eating some of the chicken and not making the noodles or sauce. Now I'm hungry.
I feel like reading. I wish Jason Logan had remembered the Green Lantern graphic novels he was going to loan me, but he didn't. Also, I haven't been able to go to Barnes and Nobles to buy the new book I want. I'll just read something that's been sitting around here for a while that I haven't gotten around to reading yet.
Nine Inch Nails on Thursday. It's going to rock so fucking hard. I'm super excited. I saw Buckcherry, Shinedown and Avenged Sevenfold last night. That was a decent concert. "College students" don't make a good audience though. Very little moshing. Not much energy from the audience, even though it was huge.
I'm going to go read now. *poof* I'm gone.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-11-17 at 4:22 a.m.
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