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People's Opinions of me II

i was reading through people's profile's again, and it pleases me. not only have i noticed changes in myself. other people too seem to have noticed i'm becoming a better person. look back to my old entry about their descriptions of me and they all mention something about me being an asshole. here are the new people that've added stuff, or the people that've changed their comments:

Chad: Eric is sexy like a beast, and has a lot of good things to say.

Clark: this is a guy i know from back in the day, he was there for me when i did some dumb stuff and still is there, thanks

Elise: he's a nice, neat person. i think he's really cool and fun to talk to.

Joel: FREAK and a GEEK

Johnny: Must have SUGAR!!!!

Jonah: get a haircut and get a real job, or any job

KB: Eric=good people

Megan: this is eric. he doesnt like the way i type either and thinks im counter-productive or some shit, but at least he thinks im smarter than brandy which i guess is good or something.

Mike: Loud, Annoying, and a good friend.

Tony: Funny colored MoFo who spouts off weird stuff!

Winter Gray: eric acts like my name is like, the best thing since toilet paper. and he didn't figure out johnny's password! ha!

ok, so i guess that's all of them, and maybe they don't say that many good things. but still, some did. and those were the ones i'd read when i started this entry. like elise. hers was cool. and the fact that chad changed his, so it said nice shit about me. or whatever. i'm going to go eat captain crunch with crunchberries and play video games now. have a nice day. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-27 at 9:39 p.m.
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