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out cold.

tonight, i went with mike and tony to see the movie "out cold." i just had to ask tony the name of the movie again. i litterally had no idea what i was going to see. i didn't know a single actor, actress, plot point, or the genre previous to seeing the movie. they just wanted me to go with them, so i said ok. i liked it better that way. i didn't see damned previews and have them reuine the better parts. that movie ruled. snowboarding rules. beer can rule. hot chicks rule (both chicks that London got were fucking hot). playing with people's minds and tormenting them rules. and making very little sense when you talk rules. i suggest people go see it. when the people don't make sense (it happens alot), i want you to think of me and my group or friends. not making sense is a spice of life. it's implied where i live. someone's going to say something that doesn't make sense, and we're just going to agree. that's all for now. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2001-11-27 at 9:29 p.m.
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