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no more trauma, but good day.

i rather enjoyed the trauma unfolding on Zelda's blogger. i am disappointed it ended. i was watching with a nearly impartial eye (hey, it's hard to TRUELY think your friends are stupid) and laughing at all the silly comments. cadmus was particularly hostile without and addiquate education to accurately express his hostility. iow: it was easy enough to understand he was upset, but fairly difficult to figure out EXACTLY who he was upset at (the entire roster) and why (more than zelda vs. winter). i had a good day. even work was alright. i got up at 10:30 (*poke*poke* person who was supposed to call at 11) and finished my "Shades of Red" project. i'll probably have the hombre put it on his website so i can link it here. then i watched a horror movie. then i bought some cappicino and drank that. then i watched the majority of another horror movie before having to work. now, i'm going to go finish the horror movie and i'll have to rent some new ones tomorrow. both movies i watched got an F and were not funny, so don't watch Berserk (1967) or Ben (1972). das ist alles fur jetzt.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-07 at 12:33 a.m.
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