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3 hour nap.

i've had a good day thus far. it was a fairly busy day. i just awoke from a 3 hour nap. it was refreshing, but my mind is still attempting to awaken. i wanna grab chad and go up to the hill and put up flyers for a drummer for a "politically-based rock band." i wanna get some pissed off anarchist kid from college to play drums for us. well, not really, but i want someone with similar political views to join us, so we have the true unity of message. while driving around earlier listening to loud ass Mudvayne, i thought of the perfect band name for a political band, All Rights Reserved. it's perfect. 'tis a double-whammy on the american system. now to get me a drummer...

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-08 at 10:05 p.m.
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