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"nothing can stop me now, 'cause i don't care anymore. nothing can stop me now, 'cause i don't care anymore. nothing can stop me now, 'CAUSE I JUST DON'T FUCKING CARE!"

so, i decided to undertake the project of washing the dishes that've piled up for nearly 2 weeks (nearly every dish in the house) and i was stopped. we have no dish soap left. so i decided to do another favor and return the cans and bottles (which were all over the floor because the bag was too full) but those are missing. so, now i've no money to purchase house supplies (we're out of tissues and paper towels too) and i need to figure out who took all the cans and bottles. they owe the money to the house. i'm REALLY getting irritated that no one can clean anything around here. i am additionally iritated that a fair ammount of my CDs were stolen last fall. i have songs in my head from the following albums:
Then: The Earlier Years, by They Might Be Giants
The Fragile, by Nine Inch Nails
The Last Tour on Earth, by Marilyn Manson
all of these CDs were among those stolen last fall. so i now have to replace them. 3 other NIN CDs were stolen, 4 Beck CDs, 2 other Manson CDs, and several other CDs. the only CD i've managed to replace is We Can Dance if We Want To, by Men Without Hats, which i got for christmas. why must people steal from the poor? people eat my food, they use my condiments (butter, peanut butter) and they drink my milk and pop. people've taken cigarettes from everyone i live with, except me, since i keep mine in my car. i've become SO irritated recently. i'm really hoping tenacious d plays some heavy stuff tonight, so i can just mosh about and destroy all those around me. it is apparent that those around me will be the meak, the fevered, all that is weaker than myself (bah, fuck that) and i will destory them. maybe i should get some genepool assassins or have a backyard that i can bury people in. perhaps i could use the basment to bury people in. no, that wouldn't work, the storage area down there is now used to store personal belongs that should be out of the way when weed is being smoked and other drugs are being consumed. i could probably just hide dead bodies in the kitchen, since the dirty dishes smell like something died. oh ya, those fucking dishes...better go do a few.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-15 at 9:41 a.m.
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