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post D-day

tenacious d ruled last night. jack black refered to me as "way too evil." he also sang chop suey to me. yes, he looked at me the entire 30 seconds he was doing the song. kyle almost gave me the set list, but gave it to the girl next to me instead. and then she sold it for $15. i lost my ring. i was front row center from the second song on. that means i was there for over 2 hours. i got dehydrated, but didn't know until 45 minutes after i went to sleep. then i woke up and felt like i was dieing. since then i've had about 1.5 gallons of water. i looked damn fine last night, covered in sweat with my shirt hanging open and some hot chick grinding all up on me. her friend kept hitting on me, but i wasn't gonna do shit with either of them. it just helps with the inner-glimmer (see willy p's entry). now i'm feeling great and i'm glad lots of people updated. 'cept it took me a while to read all the updates, and thus i'm not going to be where i'm sposta be at 5. oh well. it'll be ok. i'm gonna go now as to be not excessively late. i'll write more later.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-04-16 at 4:54 p.m.
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