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Trip Hazzard can Rock Multiple Times

so last night, i went to a show and saw trip hazzard and malaise. they both ruled. then i went to trip hazzard's party aterwards. the band fucking rules. musically and personality wise. at one point, some fan that neither the band nor i knew, gave us the keys to her car and we went and drove around. ryan and john (the guitarists) and i went to wendy's and then to college hill. it took us about an hour to make a trip that shoulda taken about 5 minutes. it was fun. some women got nekkie at the party. some went made out while half nekkie and then fooled around a bit. pretty much everyone got drunk except ryan and me. it was good times. there's more to the story, but i don't feel like typing it all. check out the band Trip Hazzard when you get a chance. it's well worth it.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-06-16 at 5:37 p.m.
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