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The Top 10 Things to Remember When Forming an Industrial Band

Today I wrote:

The Top 10 Things to Remember When Forming an Industrial Band
10. Name the band in a way that reminds listeners of something beautiful turned ugly.
9. If you're the vocalist and you cut your hair short (it was already long, or you were forming some other type of band) you must form a new band and you can not record or tour with your old band until your hair grows back out.
8. You are not goth. Wear something that is not black, even if it's just a bracelet or necklace.
7. Bandmates are replaceable, the computer you create your music on is not.
6. Use the words "God" and "Jesus" more than an average cristian band does.
5. The keyboard is not your friend. Hit it, kick it, and throw your bandmates at it.
4. When writing lyrics, remember that your girlfriend is fucking your dad, your best friend, the guitarist, and the bassist. She's a real bitch.
3. Get another drummer or two more drum machines. You need more drums. You always need more drums.
2. No one will take you seriously unless you have at least one song longer than 10 minutes.
1. What the fuck is that micstand's problem?

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-10-04 at 2:38 a.m.
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