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1week later.

it's bbeen over a week. i've been working. worked 9 hours a night all week except last night. it was only 8 last night. they screwed up my check and didn't pay me for a day last week. that means the check i get thursday is going to be sizable. i love lisa and it's hard to find time to talk to her now. i stepped on a piece of glass last night outside my apartment and now my foot in throbbing in pain. the piece of glass went through my shoe, and into my foot, quite a ways. i'm not sure if it scrathed the bone or not, but it fucking hurts to walk. unfortunately, they're not going to care at work and they're stil going to make me stand for my entire shift.there's probably more to say, but i'll write that later. my foot fucking hurts and i want to go have some ice cream. ok, bye.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-10-12 at 3:18 p.m.
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