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Cognitive thoughts about cleaning and laziness

so, i didn't actually manage to clean my apartment at all, but i did manage to think a lot and work myself into a not-so pleasent mood.

my thougt process can be fun sometimes.
"this place is fucking filthy."
"i'm going to clean this apartment before i go anywhere tonight."
"no one actually comes over, so what's the point?"
"wait, there's going to be people coming into town tonight because they're temporarily out of school."
"this place would be much more accomidating if it were clean."
"wait a second, my friends are heathens. they're just going to make new messes for me to clean."
"maybe i should mess this place up a bit more, just to show them they can't do anything i haven't already done."
"i'll spite them by already having the grand mess created before the get here."
"that would take as much effort as cleaning would."
"i'll just leave it like this and let them make the extra messes i was going to make, but little will they know that they're helping me out."
"that's settled, i'll just sit around then."

the fact that i've yet to clean is not what amazes me. i'm amazes that i reasoned that i should not clean. it would have been much more simple to say i'm lazy and not clean. instead, i debated with myself whether i should clean or not.

i recently find myself feeling less intelligent when i have to substitute a word because the spelling of the word i desire to use is unknown to me. my lack of capitalization and occasional misspellings are due to my laziness, however. i don't feel like using two fingers at once, so the shift key becomes obsolete. i'm too lazy to reread my entries, since i already know what they say.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-11-22 at 8:33 p.m.
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