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i was pretty

tonight, i looked way pretty. it made me happy. and several people told me i was pretty. that ruled too.

there's more too me sometimes. sometimes you just have to look deeper.

i've decided to leave people some notes here, since i realized a few things....
1) Megan, i'm sorry i didn't call you. call me again sometime soon and we'll hang out
2) Zelda, i am sorry i didn't call you. you got me at a bad time and i completely forgot about it until a few minutes ago, when i was reading your blogger
3) chad, it's ok that you didn't call me back. you wouldn't have wanted to come along anyway.
4) willy p, you forgot the following terms: a) roll over and die depressed b) punch a nun angry c) hungry enough to fuck a goat d) cute as a bear
5) bree, i'm sorry about what i've said about you. chances are you don't know i've said anything bad about you, but i have and it was wrong of me to do. i feel bad for it, and i'm sorry.

this is me.
i was writed on 2002-11-24 at 4:45 a.m.
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