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little girl + big hat

on the way home, while i was listening to some Natalie Imbulgria, i saw a small girl with a REALLY large black hat. some day, when i have a small girl of my own, i will get her to wear a variety of excessively large hats. it'll rule

on a seperate note: my computer is not strating. a few days ago i tried to turn it on and it wouldn't start up. i've tried several things to start it since then and none have worked. i'm going to have to take it to a computer repair place and see what's wrong. it sucks, but i'm not stressing too much.

i'm going to go grill hot dogs so i can ingest them. WORD TO YOUR MOTHER!

ps: chad can rock it harder like a magicist.

this is me.
i was writed on 2004-05-03 at 7:22 p.m.
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