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Out-of-State Contacts

Recently, I've actually had an opportunity to make a bit more contact with my out-of-state friends than normal, excepting Joel.

I hung out with Elise friday night. In a way it was awesome. In a different way it was crappy. The awesomeness sprang from the hanging out aspect and the discussions we had. The negative aspects were due to the situation which had arisen. Some people were stressed and I was simply exhausted from work. Regardless, I look forward to seeing her again.

Smalz left me a note on Phoenix. I'm rarely on the MUD anymore, so his chance of encountering me is ridiculessly small, as he's on less than I. However, it did at least initiate a bit more contact between us and a phone call will be made within a few days.

The most surprising, perhaps the best of all due to the surprise, is that Ozzie will be in Iowa within a few hours. She's been on the road now for about 30 hours and when I last spoke to her, she was nearing Kansas City. I'll figure out some way to get her to Iowa City to see me or some way to get to Cedar Falls to see her. I know she's going to be busy running around trying to see people, since she's only here for 2 nights and 2.5 days. It's sure going to be awesome to see her.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-05-30 at 2:09 a.m.
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