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Book Buying

Yesterday, I purchased 5 books from Goodwill for $4.90. This made me very happy as that's cheaper than a person could normally purchase one book for. The books were:
Psychos by Robert Bloch. This is a compilation of short stories from various authors edited by the author of Psycho.
Psycho II by Robert Bloch. This is the sequel to Psycho, and, like the original, has a movie based off it. I already own Psyhco.
Dreamcatcher by Stephen King. I know it inspired a fairly bad movie, but I've heard the book is much better.
The Shining by Stephen King. This, unlike Dreamcather inspired a great movie. I've heard the book is better than the movie for this too though.
The Omen by David Seltzer. The movie was fantastic with the "trend setting decapitation scene," so I figure the book's probably worth reading. The book did come out after the movie though, so I'm not expecting many differences between the two.

Those're the books I got and I'm happy with them. I'll continue to get horror books when I find them. I'll also read them some.

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