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Hot, Hot Day of Working Hard

Today was the hottest day of the year.
After 4.5 hours of sleep, I awakened and helped Katie move her large objects from one living space to another. It was somewhat tiring.
After that, I worked out in the heat. The hot, hot heat.
I drank a lot of liquids today. more than 64 ounces of pop and more than 80 ounces of water. That was by 8:30 pm.
Katie did purchase a tasty meal for me at the Olive Garden. I also finally had a chance to hang out a bit with Lisa. Our work schedules have been conflicting so we've had very little time to see each other. I'm done writing. It's time to do some more reading.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-07-24 at 11:44 p.m.
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