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Take the bad with the good and then some other stuff and some more stuff too

To quote Beck, "Today has been a fucked up day."

The $535 I was supposed to get today from Lincoln Real Estate as a refund for the deposit I'd put on an apartment was instead $485. I was told that I didn't back out within 3 days, which I did, and that she wasn't giving me the money. To further support my point, I was told that I couldn't get the apartment without a co-signer because I've not been at my current job for 6 months. The contract states that if the application is turned down, the applicant is entitled to the entire deposit. I've spoken to my mom and I've actually got a legal case to get the $50 back. So, I'll probably have to go to small claims court.

As a complete contrast to this, I was given a TV. I walked out of my apartment to take Lisa to work and the girl two apartments down offers me a TV. At first I was confused, thinking she wanted me to pay for it. Then she explains that it won't fit into her car so she doesn't want it. She tells me it's mine if I want it and I can come look at it. I do, and it's a 32" flat screen. It's only 1 year old. It's fucking heavy. So Lisa can't really lift it and I need someone else to help me carry it. So tonight at work I'm going to ask someone to come help me after work. Then I'll have a free 32" flat screen TV. To make this even odder, the girl thanked me for taking it. She said she doesn't mind giving it away since her and her boyfriend couldn't carry it out and she doesn't want the landlord to charge her removal fees. She could've just asked me to help her and her boyfriend carry it out and I would've. Whatever. Free TV is good times.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-07-28 at 2:32 p.m.
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