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Enter the shit

So my transmission decided to start pouring its guts out last night. Had me panicked as hell. I got it fixed today though and it was only $100. However, that wasn't what was causing my car to overheat, which also began last night. My heater core also decided to shit out. So I brought my car to the repair shop after having it back from them for only 20 minutes. I know they didn't fuck it up and cause it to overheat, as it was doing it last night. In fact, I wouldn't have even caught the transmission problem if it wasn't for the fact that the car was overheating. This's going to cost me $250. I'll get the car back monday. For now, I've got a truck that they loaned me for free. It's helpful, as I'll be able to get to work with it. All in all this could've been much worse and much more expensive, but this is still money I really needed to pay rent. Mucho denero thanks to Katie for transporting me around while I tried to solve this dilemma.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-07-30 at 6:52 p.m.
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