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More exciting news from my apartment building

I was just outside smoking before heading off to bed and I walked down to the dumpster to empty my ashtray. On my return I noticed a note and a vase of flowers sitting in front of the door to apartment 1. I'm quite a snoop, so I read the note. It said, "Please stop with the flattery. I'm not into this. And please stop watching me. - Vanessa." I laughed to myself a bit and walked back upstairs. Then I thought about it a bit and realized their must have been something on the other side of the note. I went back down the stairs, flipped the note, and read the original note. Parts were illegible as Vanessa wrote with a black marker and the original note was written in pen. Therefore some of the marker bled through and obscured the original writing. What I could read was, "Vanessa, I saw you [illegible] earlier. I think [you are] very pretty. I enjoyed our talk the other day. - John. Lunch?" I added the "you are" as what was written was illegible, but "you are" makes sense and is likely. I find all of this funny. John's obviously the new guy in 1 and his apartment isn't really furnished. The blinds to the living room are always open, but there's nothing in the living room. I talked to him once and he complained about someone doing laundry at 3 AM, since the washing machine is directly beneath his bedroom. I'm unsure who Vanessa is, but she could be the new girl in apartment 5 of the building across the way. If so, she's living with a guy, making this even more weird. Oh well, I got a good laugh out of it and I probably will again when I re-read this.

this is me.
i was writed on 2005-08-16 at 1:28 a.m.
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