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Break and Enter

I'm on lunch right now from work, so I'll have to make this as quick as possible.
So last night some asshole broke out one of the back windows in my car and stole my backpack and my stack of burned CDs. The person didn't take the DVDs of Entourage (which I borrowed from Mike earlier last night) sitting in the back seat right next to the burned CDs. Now, I'm going to have to get that window fixed and replace some of my stuff. What pisses me off the most is that the stuff that was stolen in going to be of no value to whoever stole it and it moderately untraceable because of that. Both of my tournament decks for Magic were in there, so I'm out about $500 worth of cards. Bohnanza, Lunch Money, and Gloom were all in there, too, so no more playing those. My 3 most important D&D books and all of the stuff for the campaign I was running was in there. Most importantly though, my binder was in there. Inside my binder was all the music that I've written recently, the book I've been writing and the story I've been writing. So what did they get that they might be able to sell somewhere other than the Magic cards? A mini Mag Lite and a cell phone charger. That's it. This person stole a bunch of shit that was valuable to me and is worthless to them. Unfortunately, they'll get away with it and my shit's just gone.
So, that's how my night was last night. How was yours?

this is me.
i was writed on 2006-08-16 at 5:11 p.m.
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