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I miss my Hollywood ending

I called Julia today. I didn't talk for long time. I didn't let her talk. I told her what I called to tell her. "I miss you." Then I told her to call when she felt comfortable. I kinda regret that. I was hoping she'd call soon and I think I just gave her a free pass to never call again without having to let me know that she doesn't ever intend to call again.
My Hollywood ending: Julia shows up tonight (tomorrow, actually) without calling or telling me that she's coming. She just shows up and kisses me. Then I get to cuddle with her and she'd sleep next to me. We can talk about it all in the morning. Right now I'd like more to be able to hug her/hold her/kiss her than to know. It is what it is she said. So let it be what it is and we can talk about it later. If only that is what it is...

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-09-28 at 11:09 p.m.
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