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Dear Bird, fly away

Less than a month I got to enjoy it.
Less than a month she gave it.
Then out,
Run, run, run,
Dear Bird.
Fly, fly away,
Dear Bird.
Get the fuck away from here.
Because it's not safe.
"I think of you and cannot help but smile."
Three weeks later.
21 fucking days.
"I'm so sorry."
Tomorrow's so dark.
Today's so bleak.
The sun was shining.
Then you,
Dear Bird,
Flew in front.
Now you're flying away.
Hide away in a cave
Where it's safe,
Where it never rains,
But you never get to see the sun rise over the ocean again.

this is me.
i was writed on 2008-09-29 at 10:53 p.m.
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